The Efficacious Way to get Fish Glue, Oil and Metal Parts and more

Provash Sarker
5 min readNov 18, 2020


In this video, I am going to teach you the most efficient way to get fish glue, oil, and other tomb preferential loot.

One of the unique things about Frostborn is that farming the zones alone does not provide all of the resources you need in the game. Rather, there are some resources that can only be found in the chests of the tombs of yellow and red zones.

The most important of these items are fish glue and oil. Metal parts, alchemical powder, ghost flowers and birdcages are also tomb preferential items, but they are significantly less rare.

Then there are a ton of other items that you can get at the tomb and they should definitely be picked up when you see them, but tombs are not the most efficient way to get those items.

Then there is the case of Nails in which tombs are the most efficient way to get them before you build your workbench, but are far from the most efficient way after you build your workbench.

And lastly there is the offering to Odin and other good loot gained by killing the boss at the end of the tomb and while the tomb is obviously the most efficient way to get those items as well, this video will not be covering those items because those items require approaching the tomb in a different way and also because they are not resources and this series is about getting resources.

As I mentioned in my tips and tricks video for this game, entering the solo versions of yellow and red zones has a 50% chance of spawning a tomb whereas entering the team versions ensures that there will be a tomb. You are also guaranteed to have a tomb in the non PVP yellow zone that spawns by activating the statue in the popular district at newheim.

If it is your first time doing a tomb, I recommend bringing a full set of tier one gear, a stack of food and a green weapon. As you get better and better at doing the tomb, you will eventually be able to do it with a couple spears and a staff of support.

But the real cost of doing a tomb is that at any given time, another player or another team can enter the tomb, kill you and take all of your stuff. With this in mind, it is sometimes better to bring better gear so that you can clear the tomb quickly and get out with the loot.

It is also important to keep in mind your purpose because based on what you were going for, you will want to approach the tomb very differently.

If you are going for fish glue, oil or any of the other tomb preferential items I mentioned, then the best way to do the tomb is to clear a path to the boss room looting all of the chests of those rooms you are clearing but then instead of killing the boss as would be the normal approach, start working your way back through the rooms looting the chests of those rooms as well.

Then after all of those rooms are looted, go ahead and kill the boss, loot the main room and leave as quickly as you can.

If you do not know the quickest way to get to the boss, then make sure to check out my video on the five types of tombs in which I go over the best way to complete all 20 tomb variations.

The reason I am recommending that you leave the boss until the end in this situation is because if your purpose is primarily to get fish glue, oil or any of the other tomb preferential items, then leaving the boss is smart because the boss is one of the best ways to defend yourself against an enemy. When someone spawns in and wants to kill you, just lead the boss over to them and then circle back so the boss is either in between you guys or even targets your opponent instead of you. At this point you will get to choose whether or not you want to try and kill your opponent with the help of the boss or if you want to run away while your opponent is distracted.

The latter of those two options is extremely effective because often your opponent is so happy about the idea of getting to kill the boss without having to do the work of the tomb that they lose their original interest in killing you.

And while it is sad that you are missing out on that loot, you can be encouraged that you are escaping with the items you were coming for in the first place. And then once you have enough of those items, you can come back and do the tombs the way that I normally recommend doing them.

In that video, I also talk about which tombs give the best loot or have the least amount of enemies, but to give a quick summary, the Red Forest location has on average the most chests per tomb and while the Yellow Forest has the least amount of chest on average, it also has even less enemies giving it on average, the lowest hit point of enemies per chest ratio out of any of the other zones. Which is probably why they chose for that to be the non PVP Zone that appears when we activate the statue at New Heim.

The second way to be efficient about getting more of these items is being more careful in how you use these items. For example, while it is great to spend oil on district levels, fire bombs for odin’s and any of your workbenches especially your actual workbench, I do not recommend using oil to build torches, apprentice pants, Helms, cannonballs, and if I ever catch you building chains, I will immediately disown you as one of my subscribers.

Likewise, your fish glue should be saved for district levels, strong shield and swords, shovels, explosive mixtures and lock picks. Spending them on anything else is usually wasting an extremely valuable resource.

As for all of the other resources, it is not as big of a deal because they are much more common, but as a general rule, spend your resources on workbenches first, district levels second, third focus on items that help you play the game, and then lastly focus on items that help you get points.

Well, that is it guys. Hope that helps. If you find that you are still struggling with getting any of these resources, I have been making gameplay videos for each one of these items on our other channel which shows you every step of the way.

Alright guys, I’ll see you next time.



Provash Sarker

Hi, this is #Provash and I am from Khulna Bangladesh.Age_21 hight_5'4